Sunday, February 28, 2010

6x1 Excursion- He Can Dance

Yet another excursion into 6x1. Here was Beav's venture into the rhythmic edit. He filmed me dancing in random places in Wilmington inculding the girls' softball game, the roof of a beach house, and with the local celebrity: The Little Caesar's Roadside Dance Guy... Enjoy.

He Can Dance from Tory Smith on Vimeo.

6x1 Excursion- Fanny Beav

Fanny Beav from Tory Smith on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The End animation to my salsa bumper

Roto Finale

Here is the final outcome of my rotoscope project. My sentence that I was randomly assigned and had to animate was "He did the only thing he could... he pushed over a midget with the Force."

The Salsa Roto image

This is basically the outline of what I'll rotoscope. As you can see, I decided to add some Hispanic flavor to my characters... Notice the cheesy mustaches for example.

The beginning of rotoscoping on the Salsa Bumper

For the quick film bumper that I will be creating for the CS Film Festival (this year themed as: The Chips And Salsa Festival) I will rotoscope overtop of my two friends performing a Spanish rap written by myself. There will also be several other animations spliced into sections. This is the first raw image.